Thursday, May 03, 2007


Hey everyone. So close to being done. But the next two days are going to be so packed! Actually commencement day should be a breeze though. Here is my schedule for tomorrow.

- Mom & Dad pick up Nick & Mike at 9am.
- Everyone and Jenni goes to the storage unit and be done by 9:30.
- Drop off some of Ana's stuff at 9:45.
- Family checks out apartment at 10.
- Family checks out my work at 10:30.
- Commencement rehearsal at 12.
- Jenni's Hooding 3-4.
- Jenni's Senior Art Show 4-6.
- My Hooding 7:30
- Sleep!

Yeah, it's a lot. Also, I'm really tired from today. Jenni and I had to do so much to get ready for her senior show. And it's been raining for the past few days. It's been very uncomfortable, but luckily today it was a little nicer. Just humid, but the sun came out at the end of the day.

Well, I better get going. I have some stuff to do before bed. See ya!

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