Friday, February 09, 2007

99 Days Until My Wedding!

I can't believe it! 99 days! I'm finally out of the triple digits! I'm still not sure what I'm going to do in the way of a job and apartment... but it will get worked out.

Jenni and I would like to stay in Tulsa for our first few years. She could be near the little girls she watches, workout at the ORU aerobic center... and I could hang out with Josh and Cassidy if he stays for med school...

But we actually kind of like it out here! I want to travel more in Oklahoma too. Down in southern OK, there are some decent mountains/hills. I heard there are some good places to mountain bike down there too! Also, there a lot of lakes in OK. Jenni and are big into travelling and we love to go camping too.

Oh, with the van, it will be perfect for camping! That van is going to be the coolest! I'm gonna put some of my euro style oval stickers on the back. I have a bunch of cool stickers I want to put on it. But I gotta think of other stuff to do to make it cool... any ideas?

Well, that's about it right now, I'll try and post again later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You could always put spinners on the wheels but the baby seat(s) in the back would probably lessen their effect...